Happy New Year! Yes, I know, I’m late. And where have I been?! I confess that my New Year’s resolutions every year include becoming more organized and improving my time management. And here I am late again. It’s January 17th and I am just wishing you all a Happy New Year and it’s been over two months since I last blogged! I swear I try my hardest but I am prone to wandering, both mentally and physically. Not that wandering is a bad thing. I think we all need to wander more. But I really need to focus every now and then. I need to get things done instead of talking about getting things done. I’m sure I’m not alone in this.
I’ll keep organization on my to-do list, but this year, there is one thing I want to focus on. It’s something I think everyone should strive to do. I want to live life, day by day. I want to take in every breath as if it were my last. I want to see the beauty in everything and everyone. I want every moment to be an epiphany. I know, I know, it sounds totally cliché. I’m sure some people will turn their noses up and stop reading in protest of my unoriginality. But it’s true that many of us live our lives on autopilot. It’s so easy to take life for granted and allow it to pass you by. It’s so easy to be ignorant of all the wonder of the universe. It’s so easy to become a prisoner of your home, your job, your possessions, or your money. It’s so easy to allow dreams to die, aspirations to be buried. I don’t know about you, but I would hate to realize on my deathbed that I lived an unfulfilled life. We don’t know how much time we have on this earth. It is 2012, after all, and many believe Armageddon is scheduled for December of this year. It’s not that I believe the world will suddenly come to an end or humans will suddenly cease to exist. That is not even what the Mayans predicted. It’s more like significant change may take place. And with all that is happening in the world today, I think a little change would do some good, so long as that change doesn’t involve a zombie apocalypse.
So, I am going to act as though I believe the world will be hit by an asteroid the size of Texas, or the magnetic poles of earth will reverse, or some strange disease will wipe out the human race. That’s not to say that I don’t have a good life because I do. I am married to a wonderful man and we have a beautiful son whose big heart makes me cry sometimes. I have my health (mostly). I have a home and sustenance. I am in school and I love to learn. What I mean is that I will do more, be more. I will read and write more. I will learn all that I can about everything from animals to psychology to string theory. I might even try to learn trading from my husband (try being the operative word). I want to work on that novel I started years ago or put together a book of poetry. I want to go on more walks, hikes, picnics, and road trips with my family. I want to invite friends over for dinner more. I want to volunteer more, make a difference wherever, whenever I can. I want to be more understanding and less judgmental of people and their words and actions. I want to be more forgiving of myself. I want to clean out the clutter from my home and my mind. I want to meditate, talk to God whoever God may be, and let nature nourish my soul. I want to focus on the positive, always look for the silver lining, and not doubt myself. I want to sing and dance and laugh more. I want continue being a dreamer but I want to make some of those dreams come true if I can. I want be able to say that I tried, that I took risks, and didn’t let fear hold me back.
I could go on and on here but I think you know what I’m trying to say. I don’t want to just be, I want to be alive and on fire! I want my heart and soul and mind to be completely full yet still hungry. That is my ultimate resolution for this year and every year to come (if they do).
Ok, I guess you’ve had enough of my clichés and enthusiasm. I promise that living life will include more blog writing. Please keep reading…and keep the fire in your own soul.