Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anna Karenina and Adultery

I’m going to talk about a very touchy subject. I just want to warn you. You might get uncomfortable.

I watched the latest film adaptation of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. I admit I never read the book so I didn't know quite what to expect. However, as I was watching, I was reminded of one of Tolstoy’s other works, The Kreutzer Sonata, which I had recently listened to. Both dealt with infidelity. And both were very tragic. Tolstoy definitely had an opinion on the matter.

I think most people have a definite opinion on the matter. It may differ slightly depending on culture and religion. But here in America, in this society, adultery is frowned upon.  It is a sin to the religious and grounds for divorce to the law. And adulterers are spoken of with disdain. Of course, people love to gossip about adulterers, but that’s a different discussion.

As I watched Anna Karenina, I thought about my own feelings about adultery. And, as with most matters, I began to wonder if the subject was not as black and white as we treat it. I myself am not a fan of cheating. I have seen the pain and turmoil it can cause. I consider it to be selfish and unfair to the person one has promised to love and honor. You chose to get married. I say that if you are unhappy, you need to do one or all of three things:

1.       Talk to your spouse.
2.       Talk to a counselor.
3.       Separate/Divorce

I know people say, “but, it isn't that easy.” I just can’t see how lying and sneaking around is easier. Yes, you have to work at keeping a marriage alive and healthy. You have to let go of your pride and ego sometimes. You have to open up even when you are confused and afraid.

But, I don’t have the right to judge anyone. Nor am I an expert in the matter. And the only people who truly understand what is going on in a relationship are the two people in that relationship. It’s easy to stand outside and tell people what to do. It’s more difficult to understand how they feel, to walk in their shoes, to see the situation from their point of view. And that’s what I was thinking as I watched the film.

Why do people cheat? There are a myriad of reasons to be sure. But why do seemingly good people betray their spouses? I know there are those who do it just because they can. There are selfish, slimy people in the world who don’t care about anyone or anything. But what about the others?

Anna Karenina was married to an honorable man. However, their marriage seemed to lack warmth, and passion. The word that came to my mind was “orderly.” Then into her life appears a very desirable man and the connection between them is instant. Although she at first tries to fight what she feels, she eventually gives in. The situation for Anna is certainly difficult. In her time and place, women were dependent upon their husbands. Although men cheated, they weren't treated with the malice that cheating women were. (Anna discovers that while she is treated as a pariah, her lover continues to kiss the hands of aristocratic ladies.) And divorce was akin to a crime. On top of all that was the fact that Anna could lose her son should she leave her husband. What could she do?

In The Kruetzer Sonata, the main character’s wife befriends a man with musical talent. This becomes their connection. Music is very powerful, as is desire. From the way the main character relates his story, from his words and mannerisms, I could guess why his wife was disloyal.  He seemed an irritable, angry, dark man. In the end, he kills his wife in a fit of rage. He loses his children, but not his freedom as the court decided he was merely defending his honor. (The gender hypocrisy in both these stories drives me mad!)

For the characters of these stories, as with many people of past times and distant lands, marriage may have not been a matter of love, but a matter of finance, status, or politics. In some way, perhaps that still occurs today. Maybe society puts so much pressure on people to get married, that people rush into it, or do it for all the wrong reasons. And maybe society puts too much pressure on people to stay together when they shouldn't  People can and do change. Same with feelings. The heart is a mysterious thing. It doesn't always do what you want it to do or what it should. It doesn't follow whatever rules we try to set. Could it be a matter of wrong person at the right time or right person at the wrong time? Do people fall out of love as easily as they fall in love? Could some love just be temporary?

As time goes by, relationships can suffer under the pressures of everyday life. Careers and children often take precedence. The person that was once your best friend and lover becomes a roommate and business partner. Men want to feel young and virile again. Women want to feel desired and appreciated. And if their spouses take them for granted or ignore their sexual and emotional needs, they sometimes wander. Again, this goes back to ego and selfishness. But I can see how people rationalize it. The brain is a mysterious thing, too.

But what if it is more than just an emotional thing? We are one of the few creatures of this planet who select a mate for life. Most other animals mate with many, driven by instinct. Of course, we are not like other animals, and we have brains that supposedly allow us to think and not just act. But what if that animal instinct has not been totally subdued and we are not as evolved as we think? What if those instincts sometimes fight their way past our civil facades? When you really look at it, desire seems very much a raw impulse. Scientifically speaking, are we meant to be with just one person?

Of course, we have become a more liberal society and there are people who have “open relationships.” I won’t judge them either. People are different. And just because I wouldn't do it doesn't give me the right to say it’s wrong. As long as there is complete honesty and both partners have an understanding.

I hope I didn't upset anyone. Again, I am not advocating adultery. My brain just got to rolling after watching that movie and I think maybe we should talk about such matters instead of ignoring them or sweeping them under the rug or whispering about it in dark corners.

I am lucky that I am in love with my husband and our relationship means so much to both of us. We understand that infidelity would destroy this beautiful thing we have. But that’s us.

I hope that all of you have deep, meaningful relationships and you are happy. But if you are not, I hope that you can figure things out. I hope that if/when you marry or if you are married, that your spouse is your best friend and you can reach out to them when your heart is hurting. I hope you don’t experience a disconnection that drives you away from the person you should be running to in your time of need. If you have cheated or are cheating, take a moment to reflect and dig deep, and figure out what the real problem/solution is. 

Love is such a complicated thing. Humans are complicated things. My brain is whirling.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I had an interesting dream a few nights ago. I was standing in a kitchen with an old woman who was a fortune teller. She cracked an egg, looked at the yolk, and then made some surprised and worried sounds. I looked at the yolk and actually saw pictures in it, but they disappeared before I could really figure out what the message was. The old woman then gave me a warning as what she read was not good. It was something about “not losing him”. At first I thought she was referring to my son. But then it seemed she was talking about my husband, and perhaps he was cheating on me.

Strange, right?

I think I have told you before that I have extremely weird and vivid dreams. I see brilliant colors. I can taste and hear and smell. I can fly a lot of the time, too. There are all kinds of nonsense scenarios and some interesting characters, supernatural creatures, plot twists, etc. And they are long, too. Surprisingly, I am often aware that I am dreaming.

That being said, I believe that despite all the wackiness, dreams can help you get in touch with your innermost thoughts and feelings. So, I was curious as to what this old lady fortune teller dream meant. I did a little research. What I came up with is this:

I may have some psychic abilities but I am unsure of what my future holds and I have some creative energy that I need to harness and control and perhaps I have some pent up emotions and need spiritual warmth and nourishment.

Or something like that.

I have long felt that I do have some psychic ability. Or perhaps just a strong intuition. My dreams have told me about future events before. I often feel like I know people before I do, or know what will happen before it does. I can read people well, too. I knew I would be with my husband the first time I saw him and I knew I would have a boy from the time I found out I was pregnant. I had a dream about attending a funeral the night before receiving a call about a death. I once saw a random person in an airport in a distant city, but felt like I knew them. And then I met that person some months later. It may all be nothing. I am hypersensitive, so it could be that I pay attention to the subtle clues the universe gives. Or it could all just be a series of great coincidences.

I often wonder if perhaps we all have some psychic ability, that somewhere deep inside lies a power that we can harness if we tried. We only use a small percentage of our brains, so that wouldn't be surprising. We also don’t listen well to our own hearts and minds and souls. Maybe if we took the time to detach from all the noise, technology, and outer chaos, and looked within, we wouldn't be so uncertain about things.

I admit to feelings of uncertainty regarding my future. I know what I want to do, but I’m not there yet. I have creative energy, and I want to release it. I want to write, and I want to design. Maybe this aching desire is causing pent up emotions. Maybe creating beauty and sharing it with the world can give my soul some nourishment. Maybe I need to stop dreaming about it and go after it with all I have. Maybe I need to connect with a deeper, greater source of wisdom. Maybe that source is within me.

On the other hand, what if all the theoretical physicists are right and there are numerous dimensions? And what if we are offered a peek into these other realities via our dreams? Sometimes I wonder. People in my waking life act differently in my dreams. (Like my very loyal, honest, kind, loving husband who in my dream was possibly cheating on me, which may be attributed to inner fears). There are occasions where I’m even different in my dreams. Different as in not me, but some other woman, or man. Other times I feel as though I’m watching a movie about other people’s lives.

Or maybe dreams offer glimpses into past lives. If you believe in that kind of thing. Past lives could explain my feelings of knowing people I've never met before or places I've never been. Could that be what déjà vu is all about?

Or maybe we sometimes connect with the other world. The one where God (whoever, whatever you believe God to be), resides. Maybe we can receive messages, wisdom, and guidance from God in our dreams.

Or maybe life is a dream and dreams are reality? Who really knows?

Now that we've gotten thoroughly lost, perhaps you would like me to stop my wandering brain on wheels. I’ll leave you here.

But I’ll keep dreaming.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I recently finished three different books which took place in different times and different parts of the world. However, they all had something in common that bothered me and got me thinking. Perhaps you are familiar with these novels:

Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

In all three of these novels, women suffered greatly. I can just hear all the sarcastic “but don’t women suffer in all great novels?” But, it’s more than just the fact that they suffer. They suffer at the hands of men and societies dominated by men with questionable ideas of right and wrong.

Now guys, don’t get all up in arms about that last sentence. I swear I don’t think all men are bad. I think that men, as well as women, for so long have also been unconscious victims of societal pressures. Men are expected to act a certain way and do certain things and believe certain things. And often times, not adhering to the rules of other men would get them into trouble or hurt or killed or draw unwanted attention to the women in their lives.

I am not a feminazi. I am married and I love to serve my husband and dote on my son. I love to cook and bake and keep a clean house. My husband helps with all the housework and I once had to fight my own thoughts of “but that’s my job.” Some might attribute that to society’s definition of how men and women should behave. But I rather enjoy pleasing the males in my home. And I also think that true independence and equality for women means a woman can choose to become a mother and housewife or a single CEO without anyone thinking less of her.  I choose to be a mother, wife, writer, dreamer, and aspiring interior designer. I choose to work and attend school. Admittedly, this means the house isn’t always spotless or the dinners always hot and ready. But I have a husband who loves, helps, and supports me, and for that I am thankful.

I also don’t have a dirt poor family with too many mouths to feed. I didn’t have to work hard as a teenager to support my family. I don’t have bound feet or in-laws that work me like a slave. My marriage wasn’t arranged and my husband doesn’t beat me. He loves and accepts me for all that I am. I don’t have to worry about him being hauled away by soldiers or the government taking our land and home (well….another subject). I haven’t lost any children or witnessed so much death. My mother didn’t treat me as just a worthless daughter or tell me that “only through pain would I have beauty.” I don’t have to worry about speaking out against the government or spies sitting under my window. I live a good life.

A lot of the women in these novels did not have a good life. They had some happiness. But in the end, there was so much tragedy.

Because this is just a lowly blog, I can’t give these three novels their just due. What I really wanted to get at is that I hope all you women and girls out there know your own worth and beauty. I hope you know your life is yours and you should choose as you see fit. You do not belong to anyone. You are not property or a toy or a “worthless branch.” You are not a slave. You have the right to speak up, speak out, and be heard. You deserve love, respect, and recognition. And I hope that as women, we can reach out to and support each other.

I hope that one day women will not suffer at the hands of brutal men, moral hypocrisy, or tyrannical societies and governments.

You are all ladies, flowers, and Mariposas.

Here is a poem I want to share with you. It is sad, I know. But I hope we can all be treasure hunters and find those jewels and let them shine in all their glory.

You never just open a door-
you pull on it with brute strength
until it cries, gives in, and lets you through.
And it watches with sad eyes
as you discover the secret it tried to protect
from your plundering hands.
Then you yank on the door again-
it howls like the wind over stormy seas
as you slam it shut to hide the secret,
so no one can get their greedy fingers
on what is yours, only yours.
And the secret is a treasure chest
filled with long forgotten jewels
covered in dust and sorrow.
You will never take the jewels
out of that dark box-
they would shine too brightly
and catch someone’s wandering eye.
You tell the chest, with its diamonds
formed from ages of oppressive heat
and overwhelming pressure,
that it is filled with useless junk
no one else would ever want.
And the chest secretly dreams of being discovered
by a treasure hunter with a map and a heart.
A bruised, bloody X marks the spot.